Casos de éxito

Exitosas historias de DLP de diferentes industrias como la salud, finanzas, hotelería y servicios ambientales.

STEINEL Normalien AG

STEINEL es una mediana empresa familiar suaba de la industria metalúrgica con dos sedes en Alemania y varios representantes en el extranjero.

Honda Lock

Honda Lock México is part of the Automobile Parts Manufacturing Industry. The company is located in Silao de la Victoria, Guanajuato, and has 1,165 total employees.

Liebherr Ibérica

Liebherr Ibérica, S.L. es la filial del Grupo Liebherr responsable tanto de la comercialización como del servicio postventa en España de grúas móviles, grúas portuarias, grúas sobre orugas, [...]. Industria - Maquinaria Industrial | Endpoint Protector.

Day Zero Security Ltd

Day Zero Security picked Endpoint Protector to be their DLP and MDM recommendation for SMBs and Enterprises.

Caudex Services Ltd

Caudex Services chose to include Endpoint Protector into their product portfolio.


Leading electronic payments provider proactively manages risks posed by portable storage devices.

Vitacom Electronics

Leading Romanian distributor of electronics effectively prevents breaches and outbreaks caused by portable storage devices.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Freiburg University benefits from proactive protection against portable storage devices.

Spectrum of Hope

Spectrum of Hope protects patients and improves security and compliance with CoSoSys’ Endpoint Protector.

Mafilm Audio

Mafilm Audio protect their most valuable information with an Endpoint Protector Hardware Appliance.

ABB Logistics Center Europe

ABB Logistics Center Europe secures its USB Ports with CoSoSys Software.

JJB Sports

Large UK sports retailer uses Endpoint Protector to proactively manage data loss and theft risks.

F. Iniciativas

Leading consulting company for R&D financing prevents data breaches with Endpoint Protector DLP.

Artı Uç

Leading consulting company for Electrical Design protects sensitive data with My Endpoint Protector


Multi-award winning IT software group secures Intellectual Property with Endpoint Protector by CoSoSys.

Mandarin Oriental

Award-winning hotel secures critical data with Endpoint Protector by CoSoSys.

Veolia Water

The HPD® Evaporation and Crystallization Veolia Water division from Spain secures the use of portable storage devices with Endpoint Protector solutions.

Aspire Pharmaceuticals

Aspire Pharmaceuticals meets all their criteria of monitoring employees’ activity and related data transfers.

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