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Media: pressebox.de
| 30-Jun-2016
| German

CoSoSys, Spezialist für Data Leak Prevention und Mobile Device Management, hat seine Verschlüsselungssoftware EasyLock in die Lösung für Data Leak Prevention Endpoint Protector (EPP) integriert. EasyLock setzt auf der Device-Control-Funktionalität von EPP auf und verschlüsselt Daten auf USB-Sticks, die zu den hauptsächlichen Abflusspunkten für sensible Daten zählen. Die nahtlose Einbindung von EasyLock macht Zwangsverschlüsselung zu einer Funktion der Gerätekontrolle, indem sie neben der Verschlüsselung der Daten ausschließlich die Benutzung verschlüsselter Sticks zulässt. Zudem kann optional mittels eines Unternehmenszertifikates verhindert werden, dass Mitarbeiter Firmendaten auf einem USB-Stick an privaten Rechnern nutzen. Mit dieser Funktion richtet sich der Hersteller insbesondere an Betreiber kritischer Infrastrukturen.

Media: clubitc.ro
| 28-Jun-2016
| Romanian

Asigurarea securității cibernetice trebuie să constituie o prioritate pentru instituții și entități private pentru aplicarea atât a politicilor cât și a soluțiilor optime de securitate. Despre monitorizarea și protejarea datelor confidențiale în cloud, pe sisteme mobile și în organizație, am discutat cu CEO-ul Cososys, Roman Foeckl.

Media: aberdeenessentials.com
| 22-Jun-2016
| English

Thin clients certainly aren’t going to make headlines for being a sexy technology. However, they do present significant benefits in a number of environments, including factories, colleges, healthcare, and call centers, where users have tasks that require limited resources in terms of hardware and storage.

Media: itproportal.com
| 21-Jun-2016
| English

With the increasing move to the cloud, it may seem that USB storage devices are becoming obsolete. However, research by endpoint protection company CoSoSys suggests that USB still has a place.

The survey of 2016 Infosecurity Europe visitors looks at the use of USB storage devices in the enterprise and the policies governing them.

Media: thomas-krenn.com
| 09-Jun-2016
| German

Um Datendiebstahl oder anderen unerlaubten Datenabfluss aus Unternehmen auch in Zeiten von Cloud-Diensten oder mobilen Endgeräten zu verhindern, sind Endpoint-Security-Lösungen nötig, die direkt auf den Clients für die Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien sorgen. Das Beispiel Endpoint Protector zeigt, wie ein zuverlässiger Hardware-Partner dabei helfen kann, skalierbare Lösungen auch für fünfstellige Nutzerzahlen zu finden.

Media: csoonline.com
| 01-Jun-2016
| English

The burgeoning market for gadgets that trigger a sprinkler system, help you count the number of times you swing a bat, or dim the lights automatically are rising.

That’s a concern for any business due to how these devices are also starting to show up at the corporate office for use in conference rooms, executive suites, and even as a low-cost building security camera system. Experts claim the industry is not doing enough to protect these devices.

Media: clubitc.ro
| 31-May-2016
| Romanian

Romsym Data a organizat pe data de 17 mai 2016, conferința “Directivele NIS, GDPR și legea securității cibernetice: implicații practice”, în contextul creșterii riscurilor de securitate odată cu extinderea sistemelor informatice în toate instituțiile de interes public și privat.

Media: helpnetsecurity.com
| 25-May-2016
| English

Data Loss Prevention has evolved beautifully in the last few years. The measure of control that DLP now provides is extremely powerful, and helps organizations from all sectors and of all sizes minimize the risk of data theft and loss, and protect their intellectual property as well as other type of sensitive data.

Media: digital4.biz
| 06-May-2016
| Italian

La tecnologia mobile ha tracciato due direzioni all’interno del business: da un lato l’azienda vuole cogliere l'opportunità di soddisfare al meglio i clienti mobili, dall’altro sono i dipendenti stessi a chiedere che i dispositivi mobili diventino parte integrante dei loro strumenti di lavoro. In questo scenario i responsabili della sicurezza devono affrontare una serie di sfide per garantire la sicurezza dei dati

Media: ciodive.com
| 21-Apr-2016
| English

CoSoSys, worldwide recognized vendor of Data Loss Prevention and Mobile Device Management solutions, today announced support for Slack, the messaging app for teams, with Endpoint Protector 4 DLP.

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